Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Trip to Florida

So the week of the 5th, I'm going to Florida with some friends. We're flying out of Jersey, so I'm loading up some science fiction flavored films on my Zune for the flight. I do legally own all these, by the way. It was extremely troublesome getting the videos to work, but I ended up using MakeMKV, then using Windows Movie Maker (seriously) to convert to a Zune format. So far, I have:
  • Avatar
  • The Island
  • Predator
  • Predator 2
  • Snakes on a Plane
  • Sphere
Okay, I don't actually think SoaP falls under science fiction, but I felt obligated. I'm a pretty big fan of Avatar, even in non-3D (the Blu-ray quality is fantastic). I really liked The Island as well, even more than Logan's Run, a movie it clearly took inspiration from. Predators are classics, and a new one is coming out this summer. And Sphere is one of my favorite novels. What classic movies am I missing?

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