Monday, May 24, 2010

Mass Effect: The Movie

Everyone knows what Mass Effect is, right? If not, it's a video game franchise created by the Canadian studio Bioware. The main games are Mass Effect 1 & 2, for PC and Xbox 360 (there's also a crappy iPhone game). The story is your basic space opera, like Star Wars but with no lasers. Actually, it's only a little like Star Wars. The games are very good, both for their gameplay and their story. There are also two novels that are pretty good. Worth checking out, if you haven't yet.

Anyway, Legendary Pictures picked up the rights for Mass Effect, with I Am Legend's writer (and Thor) in talks to write the script. Assuming Thor is everything I expect it to be, that's pretty good news. Bioware has always claimed that Mass Effect would make a great movie, and its true. ME touches on many classic scifi themes, from genetic engineering to artificial intelligence.

If Legendary Pictures can do to Mass Effect what Marvel has done for its movies recently, this could be one fantastic movie. Who knows whether or not the film would follow the games. Some characters look a bit like the voice actors that portray them, which could be very awesome if used.

However, my frontrunner for Commander Shepard would be none other than Jack Shepherd. Matthew Fox looks pretty similar to the Commander, and he's a good actor as well. Tell me you don't see the resemblance.

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