Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Towel Day

Sorry I'm a day late, but Happy Belated Towel Day. Just reread HHGG for class a few weeks ago. Great book. Great series of books. Well, goodnight.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Trip to Florida

So the week of the 5th, I'm going to Florida with some friends. We're flying out of Jersey, so I'm loading up some science fiction flavored films on my Zune for the flight. I do legally own all these, by the way. It was extremely troublesome getting the videos to work, but I ended up using MakeMKV, then using Windows Movie Maker (seriously) to convert to a Zune format. So far, I have:
  • Avatar
  • The Island
  • Predator
  • Predator 2
  • Snakes on a Plane
  • Sphere
Okay, I don't actually think SoaP falls under science fiction, but I felt obligated. I'm a pretty big fan of Avatar, even in non-3D (the Blu-ray quality is fantastic). I really liked The Island as well, even more than Logan's Run, a movie it clearly took inspiration from. Predators are classics, and a new one is coming out this summer. And Sphere is one of my favorite novels. What classic movies am I missing?

Monday, May 24, 2010

Mass Effect: The Movie

Everyone knows what Mass Effect is, right? If not, it's a video game franchise created by the Canadian studio Bioware. The main games are Mass Effect 1 & 2, for PC and Xbox 360 (there's also a crappy iPhone game). The story is your basic space opera, like Star Wars but with no lasers. Actually, it's only a little like Star Wars. The games are very good, both for their gameplay and their story. There are also two novels that are pretty good. Worth checking out, if you haven't yet.

Anyway, Legendary Pictures picked up the rights for Mass Effect, with I Am Legend's writer (and Thor) in talks to write the script. Assuming Thor is everything I expect it to be, that's pretty good news. Bioware has always claimed that Mass Effect would make a great movie, and its true. ME touches on many classic scifi themes, from genetic engineering to artificial intelligence.

If Legendary Pictures can do to Mass Effect what Marvel has done for its movies recently, this could be one fantastic movie. Who knows whether or not the film would follow the games. Some characters look a bit like the voice actors that portray them, which could be very awesome if used.

However, my frontrunner for Commander Shepard would be none other than Jack Shepherd. Matthew Fox looks pretty similar to the Commander, and he's a good actor as well. Tell me you don't see the resemblance.

L O S T Flash-sideways visions

I think I might be the only one that understands these. The most common misconception I've heard is that your true love shows you your vision of the island. This couldn't possibly be true though.

I stated before that everyone on the island was flawed. Take Charlie, for instance. He was a drug addict. Though Locke helped, it was Claire that really saved him. After she had the baby, Charlie was the one that was with her and took care of her. Yes, they loved each other, but more importantly, they saved each other. Kate's vision occurred while helping Claire give birth again. Kate was only reformed after she helped Claire and became a mom herself. Juliet gave Sawyer a purpose for living, besides hatred. Locke's problem was that his legs were a harsh reminder of his "father's" betrayal. In this universe, it wasn't his dad's fault. And Jack, clearly, couldn't let go of the loss of his dad. That's why, in the end, he met his father and spoke with him. The show was about love, yes, but it also went deep into each person's soul.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

L O S T Finale (Part 1)

I couldn't possibly sum my thoughts into a post now, so I won't even try. I would like to say that Lost's finale was definitely the best of any show I have watched. It isn't every show that gets to end exactly how it wants to, and it certainly isn't every show that has an end planned from Day 1. The show always seemed to be about Jack from the beginning (it was his eye, and he had the most flashbacks I'm pretty sure), so it was really nice seeing this episode be about him. He started off the hero, and even though he was a bit shaky in the middle, he pulled through. He was the man that so firmly believed in free will. That topic needs its own post, but Jack believed in destiny by the end. He says it was what he was meant to do. All along, Jack is the one meant to save the island, and presumably life as we know it.

Some people I watched the finale with didn't understand the end. I think they missed a key part though. A lot of people couldn't believe some people died, but Christian said "Everyone dies eventually." Everyone in the church did die at some point. One theme very present in this season was the notion of "moving on." Jack and Locke discuss this in great detail. It always seems to be Locke and Jack debating life's greatest questions, doesn't it? Locke was the one that believed whole-heartedly in fate. Locke and Jack fought over leadership, over button pushing, over...well, everything. How fitting that they both saved each other during the flash-sideways. Jack had to move on after his father died. Locke had to do the same. Ben didn't join the gang because he hadn't let go yet (although, since as Christian said, time doesn't matter, why did Ben have to wait?).

Another question was about Vincent. He typically plays the MacGuffin, as he's the reason many characters enter the jungle. Sometimes I think Vincent shows up during important moments. When Charlie is trying to build the church, Vinny has the statue. This could be completely wrong though, and would require some more investigation.

Another question, was the outcomes of each of the cast. I've heard people say that everyone died on the plane crash. I really don't think that is it though. The only people in the room that weren't on the plane were Penny, Lapedus, Miles, etc. Christian said some died before Jack, and some long after. None of those people would have died before Jack if he died in the crash. Therefore, everyone lived their lives. Locke died when Ben murdered him. Jack died in the bamboo forest. Shannon was shot. Jin and Sun died on the sub. And Hurley and Ben lived the rest of their days on the island, with the two of them in charge.

From the very beginning, I expected the show to be about fate versus free will, and I mostly expected the setting to be purgatory. After the time travel, I didn't think so anymore. Seeing an afterlife, and a church, actually threw a curve ball at me.

I've also never been so moved at a television show (or movie, so far as I can recall). When the cast re-met each other, and saw flashbacks, I had seen every single part of the flashback. I knew exactly what was going to happen. But still, it was so moving. The writers and the actors could not have been more excellent. It was especially moving considering it was the last episode. I just couldn't help but get the feeling that everything works out for the best in the end.

All in all though, could you really ask for more from a finale? There were questions unanswered, sure, but just think about all the other shows that will have no finale. Lost has been about the mystery since the beginning. It's the type of show that makes you ask your own questions, and seek your own answers. In that respect, the show succeeded. As Jacob said, every person brought to the island was flawed. Criminals, drug addicts, alcoholics, family issues, you name it. In the end though, each character ultimately salvaged who they were, and turned to the light. I am severely going to miss Lost. It was an amazing six years. Nothing will quite be able to fill this void for a while, but the show was so perfect that nothing really ever could.


Well LOST, it's been a hell of a ride. We first met in 2005, where we had that amazing weekend together. Never thought I could learn all there was to know in just two days. We have hung out every day since then. So, what do you have in store for tonight? Probably nothing anyone could predict. If someone laid out what would happen just after I saw the first couple episodes, I wouldn't have believed it. You started out mysterious (as if that's changed...), then added a bit more sci-fi when you started time travelling. But like any good sci-fi show, no one stays dead. So, Island, clearly Jack is your new shepherd (I see what you did there). But can he defeat the biggest enemy? Tune in tonight, different Bat-time, same Bat-channel

Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Empire Strikes Back

It's on SpikeTV right now. I'm just a little late, but happy 30 years. Too bad no one can mention ESB or ROTJ without a huge argument over which is better. Then you always get the guy that likes ANH the best...he must not have seen the other two. There's some pretty good lines in this film, especially considering Lucas was a part of it. It's really too bad nothing since has had this charm (and I even liked the prequels). Here's hoping the new live-action TV series could bring some of that back.